Tuesday 31 March 2015

And finally....

Saturday 28th March

We arrived back at Ingogo a couple of days ago and have been busy unpacking, cleaning, mending, drying out, sorting and repacking. In terms of ‘damage’ we have been lucky and apart from Ian having a small leak in his diesel tank (probably from a stone) and Don’s Blackberry not working
ever since he took it for a swim, we have not had any real problems. And no signs of malaria so far!

It has been a great trip and the memories will last us for a long time. In particular Kaoakoland with its remoteness and ancient landscape has left a deep impression on us and as we drove out of the area we both knew instinctively that we would be back here one day. Is it because here you feel the ancient rhythm of Africa at its best? Who knows…

And then there is the unresolved challenge of the Van Zyl pass which just won’t go away.

With a newly retired husband the possibilities are endless!

Love Gabi (and Don of course)

1 comment:

  1. HI Gabi and Don,and Heather and Ian.
    Welcome back home. Here's quite a good site for finding mountain passes in SA.

