Thursday 5 July 2012

And finally....

...we are off!

Planning to leave for Zimbabwe at the crack of dawn after spending 3 exhausting days doing our final shopping. How do you shop for a six months trip not knowing what you can get up ahead? Clothes are the easy bit, you don't need much. In fact we have reduced what we brought with us by half and left the rest with family. Car spares and general repair items are more tricky. You hear of people being held up for weeks waiting for a spare part for their car. Anyhow, it took a lot of planning and thinking and we hope we have it right. We will soon find out.

This would have been our UK camping weekend if we were at home so will be thinking of you guys this weekend. And here is a picture from one of those camping trips just to remind you that the sun does shine in the UK sometimes. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ben!


  1. Hi, its Mel & Tony here. Sorry we have not been in touch, we have had no broadband at home for the last 3 weeks and we have had a week in the rain in Devon also. You guys look fantastic, I have not seen Don look so relaxed and at the same time excited. retirement and South Africa must agree with him. Nothing really to report, still both working our butts off, and both very envious of you two. You must of heard about the weather in the UK, the rainiest June since records began. We are just looking at getting away for a week somewhere hot, maybe Greece or Cyprus. Anyway, going to sign off now... you two stay safe, have a fantastic time, you are very special friends and we look forward keeping in touch in the months ahead. LOL Mel & Tony xx

  2. Lou Wall And they're off!!! Good luck and have an amazing adventure xx

  3. David Richard James Travel safely and slowly

  4. Jess MacIntyre Love you so much x
